'Co' of cotton and 'oL' of wool

Here comes the CooL Quilt.

 Some desires the warmth of wool,some desires the comfort of cotton and the others want these two together...Those who want to combine these two natural friends are in the right place. We pondered on this and produced the CooL Quilt for you.

 We made panel-patterned quilting with cotton fiber for one side and with wool fiber fort he other side on 100% cotton percale fabrics.We seperated the CooL quilt with a seperator layer, filled one side with carded merino wool and the other side with carded cocoon cotton.

 Now both optionsare within easy reach,whether it is a warm sleep with wool or cotton’s comfort...

Product Size : 155 x 215 cm (Single Size)
      195 x 215 cm (Double Size)
Fabric : Wool Layer: Downproof 100% Cotton 234 TC Percale
    Cotton Layer: 100% Cotton 193 TC Percale
Filling : Wool Layer: 200 gr / m2 Carded Merino Wool
   Cotton Layer: 200 gr / m2 Carded Cocon Cotton